Heading home for the holidays but haunted by the thought of your plants turning into leafy ghosts while you’re gone? Don’t fret: keeping your plants happy while you’re away is easier than you think. This guide is here to help you balance holiday cheer with the care your green buddies need, ensuring they don’t miss you too much while you’re sipping eggnog and unwrapping gifts.
Watering in winter is less of a chore and more of a strategic move. Plants are in chill mode, so they drink up less. Give them a good gulp of water before you head out, but don’t overdo it (1/4 to 1/2 of the volume of the pot) — think of it as leaving a reasonable amount of snacks for a friend house-sitting. For a longer break, a DIY water bottle drip system can be your strategy, keeping the soil just the right level of damp. Your cacti and succulents? They’re the cool kids that can handle a bit of neglect.
Short winter days mean less sunlight so finding that sweet spot where your plants get enough rays without getting a sunburn is key. If your place is more dungeon than sun room, consider a grow light. It’s like giving your plants a bit of artificial summer, timed just right to keep them in their happy zone.
Plants don’t love dramatic temperature swings any more than we do. Keep your space at a steady, cool temperature. For tropical plants craving humidity, create a mini oasis by grouping them together or setting up a water tray nearby. If your place is as dry as an overcooked Thanksgiving turkey, a small humidifier can be a game changer.
Before you leave, do a quick pest check. If you spot troublemakers, evict them with neem oil or insecticidal soap. This is like setting up a “No Party Zone” for pests while you’re away. A clean plant is less of a pest magnet, so a quick leaf wipe-down can work wonders.
For a longer absence, recruit a plant-sitter. This could be a friend or neighbor who wouldn’t mind swinging by to check on your green crew. Leave them a plant care cheat sheet — kind of like a do’s and dont’s list. It’s a great way to ensure personalized care and maybe kick-start a plant-sitting exchange among your friends.
With these tips, your plants won’t even know you’ve been gone. A bit of prep sets them up for a relaxed break, just like yours. So, go enjoy the holiday festivities and let your plants have their own peaceful holiday at home.