This eclectic mix only has one theme holding it together: happiness. Judging from the energy in the room whenever I walk into a classroom lately, it seems like we all need a little mood-booster. That’s why this week I only want to listen to songs that make me feel good. Obviously, happiness is subjective. All of these songs are somewhat upbeat in tempo and rhythm, but what really makes me happy listening to them is usually because of a sense of nostalgia of good times with friends or just a better state of mind for me personally. Although you may not have the same personal connections to these songs as I do, I wish for you to go forward and make your own happy playlist of songs that give you that same feeling for when you need it. Happy listening! The playlist is embedded below.

“Always Alright”– Alabama Shakes

I have the most distinct memory attached to this song. My freshman year (I am a third year now), I went to Florida with a group of friends for our spring break. Whenever I listen to this song, I am immediately transported to a beach in Tampa, blissed out and watching my friends twirl and dance as the sun set behind them.

“Honeybody”– Kishi Bashi

The reason this song makes me happy is more based on a visceral reaction to its sonic qualities and instrumentation than a specific memory. I have no idea what a ‘honeybody’ is and the lyrics are kind of nonsensical, but that’s what adds to the playfulness of the sound.

“Home”– Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros

I am constantly cycling through tons and tons of new music all the time, yet this song from 2009 still sticks with me. The fact that it’s a duet makes it so easy to sing along to in the car with a friend (or doing both parts by yourself in the shower).

“Diane Young”– Vampire Weekend

Try listening to a Vampire Weekend song and not smile, I dare you. The title is a play on the saying “live fast, die young” which is embodied by this song.

“King Kunta”– Kendrick Lamar

This is one of those songs where it comes on in a party and my friends and I will drop whatever we are doing to spit every word together. I connect this song to my first semester of college when I was in Sydney, Australia feeling absolutely invincible and optimistic about the future.

“Side Pony”– Lake Street Dive

This song is so uplifting, both rhythm-wise and in lyrical content. The chorus, “Because I rock a side pony/Baby I’m just living my life” speaks to the liberating feeling of living life on your own terms and not caring about what anyone else has to say. Listening to this song just gives me that little confidence boost that I need in the morning.

“Loving is Easy”– Rex Orange County

I know there is that meme about every indie wannabe thinking they’re cool for trying to show people this song, but sue me – it’s a good song. There is a reason there is so much hype around Rex and this song in particular. It’s groovy and sweet and listening to it makes me happy.

“Strangers” – Sigrid

This one fits perfectly into my favorite made-up genre: dance-cry songs. The lyrics describe a very sad love story of a relationship built on lies (relatable), but the beat just makes me want to scream-sing and dance all my feelings out. The two distinct synths during the last chorus just make it *chef’s kiss* perfection.